
Beautiful anchor gopika

 Anchor Gopika hot: Gopika in sleeveless gown. She is Very funny and cute. Gopika Say's - Make yourself happy do things that make you happy and that's the best thing you can do yourself. You are so much more than you think you are & You deserve all the good things in life. Gopika have 43k followersnin instagram. Big fan following have. Gopika stills here Gopika in sleeveless dress

Miya in blue dress

 Miya jeorge in blue gown: Beautiful and talented actress miya jeorge in Blue half&half gown. Very beautiful in this look. with awesomely  smile. Miya have 500+ followers in instagram. 11M followers in facebook Miya stills here Miya in blue gown

Meera Anil stills

 Meera is No.1 Anchor Meera anil is very beautiful anchor in malayalm. She is no. 1 anchor in malayalam. Meera begun her career as a artist she made her make a big appearance appearance within the tv industry with the TV chat appear “Hello Great Evening”. After that, she has made appearances within the TV appears like “Sthree”, “Top 3 Models”, and “Comedy Stars Season 2”. Meera have 78k+ followers in instagram. In facebook 702k followers  Meera says - Smile is the best makeup you can wear. Here meera's very hottest look

Rima kallinkal saree

 Rima in onam saree: Rima is very beautiful for onam day.  In a beautiful look. There is no one to surpass Rima in saree look. She says - Why is Onam just once a year? Let's make it a regular affair please Stills here Rima in sleeve less saree

Amala paul wish

 Amala Paul's Deepavali wish: May the festival of lights bring you prosperity and good health. It's a standard wish that goes out every Diwali, but we can't be sharing standard wishes anymore. Standards have changed, rules have changed, the world has changed.. Let's be more empathetic towards the ones who've lost their light & make an effort to bring that light back into their lives this Diwali. Celebrate everything about Diwali. Share the light. I hope you stay healthy & safe this Diwali/Deepawali Amala paul in yellow midi

Amala paul in green skirt

 Amala paul hottest look : Amala Paul's inspiration words- They say time flies when you're having fun. As hard as I worked to bring life to Amna Parvez, I also had an absolute ball of a time. Grateful to be able to love what I do and do what I love. Amala paul in top and green hard skirt

Amala paul hot look

 Amala paul words: A Message For You: Reinvent yourself until you create a life you love. Expand on all levels and seize this opportunity to soar beyond every obstacle that once held you back. Pour your heart and soul into everything you do and let your new reality emerge. Amala paul in jeans skirt